Season 3


In fact during the second term of 2009 did not learn anything relevant since I was in a high school and only reinforced what we already knew, except for some details that I remembered more than anything. In addition to high school I worked at a company that belongs to my school, which tests similar to what the SIMCE, measuring the quality of education in schools in the country.
During my free time I was coaching table tennis in a gym "close" to my house with my girlfriend and some friends. In this place we train a teacher who is the number one of Chile in table tennis as a player.
Some of the hardest things I had to face last year was the decision of to come back to the career of veterinary or chose another career, the decision was not easy because at that time to discuss the points for and against, often earned points against, by many factors, but finally chooses to return to what I already knew and what I always dream to study.

Other things that I also took last semester was to go out a lot with my school friends, get together to watch matches of the Chilean team, the University of Chile,
get together to celebrate birthday and much more, things that when I was in the University cost me enough to do by the time factor. I also continued to see with friends from the University, some of whom also left the same.

Season 2


Season 2

A) To me, the old system before to transantiago was worse in all aspects, had not often, had no respect for the drivers to the students, had raced between buses because fought for passengers and not integrate the disabled (one person wheelchair was impossible to go up alone to a bus), it was a major cleaning in the previous system buses and the worst thing is that the system of numbers was quite involved, the number of the bus did not meant anything (now meant the sector that is, if you find out a little earlier or have you informed).

B) Well I never had major problems with this system and helped to improve the frequency, and order of minibuses.
a.-"When started this system there were some problems with the number of routes for my sector, we had to walk about four streets to take the bus, causing delays and traffic jams.
b.-Now all these problems are solved, there are several more routes and new bus stops, which helps me get to university faster and back to my house.Also saves me a pair of transfers and many jams morning.

C) The greatest change in the future would place a fixed schedule would be passing minibus, and one could better organize your travel time and would avoid wasting time at a stop waiting for the bus pass. Besides, this would greatly help to reduce the number of people on the bus.

D) One of the most important points in this moment about the transantiago is the subject of pay evasion, I think they should make a more focused campaign to repudiate this behavior and try to get people to help them monitor the who do not pay, in addition, not only should fine those who do not pay, but should apply any other sanction (e.g. a few days in jail).