Session 7


One of my favorite animals are the dogs, especially the race of shepherds, specifically the German shepherds. Well is one of the most common breeds in the world, and its characteristics are known to all, their coat of a particular color (gray tones may vary), the characteristic form of the head (which serves to recognize a shepherd of breed for one not so fine), his legs (which I personally love them, and they must have a specific form, etc.)., how to know was the most common of the world, I've seen in person in any contest, as on the street (as someone's pet or guard dog or police dog, etc.) or in television (TV series in different programs of animals), the reason why I like so much is a bit difficult to explain, I can only say that the view is uncontrollable desire to have one some day in my house, make love, care, etc. In particular this breed of dog I always liked (before entering the university even more now) and I will continue to enchant.

I would like to help this animal in the future be a veterinarian of the small animal specializing in dogs, this breed (German shepherd), and try to teach people that like many other races is an excellent family dog, for Children, despite being a large breed is not aggressive and not to be afraid of them, you can deliver a lot of love, I hope someday to achieve this goal and for that you are working.

I’m a dog lover!!!XD

Session 6


To my opinion Santiago is a good place where happen a pleasant time and if one lives alone has to learn to look for the felicitous places to can amuse, a lot of times by that lived here believe that it is a place boring and tedious, but is not like this, for example I cannot happen long time without being in Santiago, throw it of least.

First, would carry to the tourist to visit the Cerro Santa Lucia, would visit it complete, going through each part of this beautiful place, until arriving to the peak, where the tourist will be able to enjoy so much the structure of the palace ,and of the view of Santiago that offers us.

Afterwards would follow the route visiting the museum of Bellas Artes and his surroundings (coffees, souvenir shop, typical ice cream parlous of Santiago, etc.) , would be here a while and would follow the way until one of the more important touristic places of the big Santiago, the Cerro San Cristobal, who has to go up on foot to can enjoy the landscape and the way, would detain us some minutes in the half of the hill, to take a bit of water and take a rest, and afterwards follow until the top of the hill, where is the Statue of the virgin, which is a important touristic point, and you can see all the city.

Well The five more important activities that has to do a tourist when visiting Santiago, is to visit 1)Palacio de la moneda 2)Cerro Santa Lucia 3)Cerro San Cristobal 4)Museo Bellas Artes 5)Plaza de Armas, they are very beautiful so much by where are situated and by what one can see, a suggestion is to treat to do a route it more simple possible that attain to integrate these five places and that besides go through some of the neighborhoods more characteristic of Santiago

Session 5


If you ask me the penalty of death is a necessary measure, at least in chile, if well this showed that it prices it of delinquency, murders and other crimes does not go down with the implementation of this law, is an instrument of persuacion and at least serve for decrease the number of people in the prisons.

Seat that this is a quite effective measure and in some moments ejemplificadora, i think that it is not possible that the people that work, that respect the laws, etc, have to be aliementando to people that never did it and that worse even, broke them an and another see, by that know that there is not any main cost in his acts. In addition Of this, the populations in the prisons are increasing of an explosive form with people that are long, and that besides are reincidents in the same crimes (Murderers, Rapists, etc.) , this means that these people did not learn in a first instance and that will follow committing the same crimes, so that the penalty of death also could serve like a measure of control of the quantity of “people” in the prisons (obviously applicable to people that committed some crime that do winner of this penalty, the idea is not to kill to kill).

As it mention previously the one who exist or no the penalty of death, does not mean that the crimes go to diminish by fear to the consequences, but in spite of this I even follow believing that the penalty of death is a good measure and that would have to follow valid in our pais.

(Sunday 09/05/2010 14:10 hours)

Sesion 4


I love to visit China since it has many things that attract attention such as culture, especially religious as it is very rich in legends and that makes it very interesting, also the architecture is not far behind, and not have to mention the great architectural work that is "The Great Wall of China" can be seen even from space, in addition to its exotic food that blends a host of flavors to please everyone's tastes but the main reason for travel to this country is by sport as is table tennis, and he was going to know the best in the world in this discipline and they learn more techniques of the sport that I love, to watch and if you can play with them (it would be almost a dream come true) . However, although this country has wonderful things remains one of the most polluters and exploiters of the world, and this causes opaque long the country's image.

Honestly go to China only to visit all of the above, never to study because this country has a very stressful and extremely educational discipline, came to be cases of suicide by some students. And it is very difficult for a foreigner to take the pace of study to implement the Chinese.