Session 5

If you ask me the penalty of death is a necessary measure, at least in chile, if well this showed that it prices it of delinquency, murders and other crimes does not go down with the implementation of this law, is an instrument of persuacion and at least serve for decrease the number of people in the prisons.

Seat that this is a quite effective measure and in some moments ejemplificadora, i think that it is not possible that the people that work, that respect the laws, etc, have to be aliementando to people that never did it and that worse even, broke them an and another see, by that know that there is not any main cost in his acts. In addition Of this, the populations in the prisons are increasing of an explosive form with people that are long, and that besides are reincidents in the same crimes (Murderers, Rapists, etc.) , this means that these people did not learn in a first instance and that will follow committing the same crimes, so that the penalty of death also could serve like a measure of control of the quantity of “people” in the prisons (obviously applicable to people that committed some crime that do winner of this penalty, the idea is not to kill to kill).

As it mention previously the one who exist or no the penalty of death, does not mean that the crimes go to diminish by fear to the consequences, but in spite of this I even follow believing that the penalty of death is a good measure and that would have to follow valid in our pais.

(Sunday 09/05/2010 14:10 hours)


Miss said...

If you ask me the penalty of death is a necessary measure, at least in chile, if well this showed that it prices it of delinquency, murders and other crimes does not go down with the implementation of this law, is an instrument of SP persuacion and at least serve for decrease the number of people in the prisons.

? Seat that this is a quite effective measure and in some moments ? ? ejemplificadora, i think that it is not possible that the people that work, that respect the laws, etc, have to be ?aliementando to people that never did it and that worse even, broke them an and another see, by that know that there is not any main cost in his acts. In addition Of this, the populations in the prisons are increasing of an explosive form with people that are long, and that besides are reincidents in the same crimes (Murderers, Rapists, etc.) , this means that these people did not learn in a first instance and that will follow committing the same crimes, so that the penalty of death also could serve like a measure of control of the quantity of “people” in the prisons (obviously applicable to people that committed some crime that do winner of this penalty, the idea is not to kill to kill).

As it mention previously the one who exist or no the penalty of death, does not mean that the crimes go to diminish by fear to the consequences, but in spite of this I even follow believing that the penalty of death is a good measure and that would have to follow valid in our ?pais.

I agree with you in some points but I dont think that with that we would have less crimes..
did you use translator?

Max said...

for some words...why?

Max said...

haaaa i try to say ...that with this we dont have a less crimes, but sirves to control the number of people in the jails or prisons...(dangerous people)

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