Session 7

One of my favorite animals are the dogs, especially the race of shepherds, specifically the German shepherds. Well is one of the most common breeds in the world, and its characteristics are known to all, their coat of a particular color (gray tones may vary), the characteristic form of the head (which serves to recognize a shepherd of breed for one not so fine), his legs (which I personally love them, and they must have a specific form, etc.)., how to know was the most common of the world, I've seen in person in any contest, as on the street (as someone's pet or guard dog or police dog, etc.) or in television (TV series in different programs of animals), the reason why I like so much is a bit difficult to explain, I can only say that the view is uncontrollable desire to have one some day in my house, make love, care, etc. In particular this breed of dog I always liked (before entering the university even more now) and I will continue to enchant.

I would like to help this animal in the future be a veterinarian of the small animal specializing in dogs, this breed (German shepherd), and try to teach people that like many other races is an excellent family dog, for Children, despite being a large breed is not aggressive and not to be afraid of them, you can deliver a lot of love, I hope someday to achieve this goal and for that you are working.

I’m a dog lover!!!XD


Natalia =) said...

s a very nice race and very good features. I also like to have one ... I love large breed dogs and I also think they should teach people that the large-breed dogs are good family dogs and can also be very good with childrens.
well...this is all...
I love you =)
bye bye

Patty said...

I love German Shepherds, too! I had one for a long time, and he was very special for my family and me. I really miss him. He was such a great dog!
See you tomorrow in Economics, haha :D

Miss said...

One of my favorite animals SVA are the dogs, especially the WW race of shepherds, specifically the German shepherds. Well is one of the most common breeds in the world, and its characteristics are known to all, their coat of a particular color (gray tones may vary), the characteristic form of the head (which serves to recognize a shepherd of breed for one not so fine), his legs (which I personally love them, and they must have a specific form, etc.)., how to know was the most common of the world, I've seen in person in any contest, as on the street (as someone's pet or guard dog or police dog, etc.) or in television (TV series in different programs of animals), the reason why I like so much is a bit difficult to explain, I can only say that the view is uncontrollable desire to have one some day in my house, make love, care, etc. In particular this breed of dog I always liked (before entering the university even more now) and I will continue to ? enchant.

I would like to help this animal in the future be a veterinarian of the small animal specializing in dogs, this breed (German shepherd), and try to teach people that like many other WW races is an excellent family dog, for Children, despite being a large breed is not aggressive and not to be afraid of them, you can deliver a lot of love, I hope someday to achieve this goal and for that you are working.

I’m a dog lover!!!XD

I can see that uh? I love dogs too!

Still you need to heck some words ok?



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